"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."

-Nelson Mandela

The Champagnat Learning Center is a program to address the needs of those students who have been identified as having learning disabilities have passed the Saint Joseph Academy entrance exam, and who also have the ability to meet the demands of a rigorous college preparatory education.

In accordance with federal regulations, the State of Texas Code, College Board Guidelines, and the recommendations of the Association on Higher Education and Disability, Saint Joseph Academy has established a documentation policy. Students diagnosed with a disability which significantly impacts learning and who wish to have certain accommodations provided by the school must meet the documentation requirements. Documentation must be presented to the school and approved by the Learning Center Committee prior to the awarding of any accommodations. This documentation will be required for students who want accommodations on the Saint Joseph Academy entrance exam and for currently enrolled students who wish to begin receiving accommodations.

Once a student has been identified, documented, and accepted into the Champagnat Learning Center program, the Learning Center staff will then monitor the student's progress through periodic meetings with the student, the student's teachers, and the student's parent(s). This monitoring involves academic grade analysis, review of organizational/study skills, student work compliance, and accommodation implementation to assure that the student is progressing with their studies to the best of their abilities.

Learning Center Hours

Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM-4:00 PM

Student-Parents Resources

A red paw print that says sja on it
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