"At the core of our being we desire to love and be loved. We long for belonging, solidarity, the chance to share our lives and the opportunity to change our circumstances."

Welcome current Bloodhound parents! We are extremely happy that you made a decision on behalf of your children to give them the best education that is offered in the lower Rio Grande Valley. We believe that by making this decision, you are committed to being part of the team that endeavors to form students into global thinking, well-educated, faithful young adults.

As part of this team, we believe in keeping lines of communication open to better serve our families. This is the page that you will go to when you need to find important information regarding your student(s). In addition to this page, we also disseminate important information via other platforms facilitated by Saint Joseph Academy such as:

  • Text messages via FACTS
  • SJA Bloodhound Families (a closed group for current families only; requires administrator approval)
  • E-mail blasts via FACTS

Click One of the Links Below for Important Information Regarding Textbooks, Student Email Accounts, the First Day of School, and Lunch Operations.

Welcome Back Bloodhounds

View Meal Plan Order School Uniforms Sign Up for Lunch Dress Code
2024-2025 School Calendar Student Parent Handbook 2025 Student Block Schedule

FACTS Family Portal

To re-enroll for the school year:

1. Click on the red button found above:

Log into your FACTS Family Portal:

  1. Type in your username and password. 
  2. After logging in, click on Apply/Enroll in the left menu.
  3. Click on the Enrollment/Re-enrollment link.

 Tuition Payment Information:

All tuition payments for the new school year will now be made 100% through FACTS. 

For questions about tuition payments, please contact the finance department at 956-542-3581.


Search @sjabloodhounds on any social media platform and follow us today! 

Student, Staff and Teacher Parking Information

Student Parking Permits are now on sale at the Finance Office and there are limited quantities. Parking permits are $50 for the year. 

Campus Parking Map
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