"Athletics, recognized as an integral part of education, complements our greater mission at Saint Joseph Academy. Lessons of commitment, teamwork, tenacity, and overcoming adversity are advanced on our courts, fields, and track. It is in the midst of “running to win the prize” that our student-athletes experience great life lessons."

Do You Want To Be Part Of The Team?

Let's Get Started! SJA Athletics Schedule

Sport available at SJA


Cheerleading (G) V

Pom Squad (G) MS

Cross Country (C) MS, V

Dance (G) V

Football (B) MS, JV,V

Volleyball (G) MS, F, JV, V


Basketball (G, B) MS, F, JV, V

Soccer (B) JV, V

Swimming (C) V

Tennis (C)

Powerlifting (B)


Baseball (B) JV, V

Golf (C) V

Tennis (C) V

Track & Field (C) MS, V


G - Girls

B - Boys

C – Co-ed

MS – Middle School (7-8)

F – Freshmen (9)

JV – Junior Varsity (10-11)

V – Varsity (12)

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