PAWS is an organization consisting of parents who support school administration and staff by assisting in efforts to solve school needs through volunteering and planning school-related events. A familiar phrase states, “It takes a village to raise a child”. The same can be said about running a school. Our goal is to attract a large group of parent volunteers to join PAWS and help make the school year a success.
You may have already seen PAWS at work if you attended the New Family BBQ or Back to School Night. This group of volunteers works under the direction of Donna Barron, VP of Academy Advancement and Alumni Affairs. Together we work with school personnel to foster our school community by hosting receptions for the College Fair, Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Grandparents Day as well as many fun activities for the students and staff during Catholic School’s Week (just to name a few). PAWS also hosts the annual ‘Tis the Season Market Days event as a means to bring in revenue and give the local community an opportunity to visit our beautiful campus. PAWS designates a portion of this revenue to make a difference on campus. Some of the projects that have been funded include updating the teacher’s lounge and purchasing 5 hydration stations for the whole school community to enjoy.
We would like to invite YOU to become a member of PAWS. This invitation is extended to all parents who are interested in helping their child’s school succeed. Your obligation will be to be as active as your time permits.
Donna Barron - VP of Academy Advancement
Violeta Hinojos - President
Cynthia Garza - Vice Pres.
Linda Guillen - Secretary
Stephany Talancon de Luna - Treasurer
Vero Puig - 7th Grade Rep. & Cafe Coordinator
Kristy Nunez - 7th Grade Rep.
Lily de Garcia - 7th Grade Rep.
Martha Cardenas - 8th Grade Rep.
Deisy Uscanga - 8th Grade Rep.
Amanda Siyanbade - 9th Grade Rep. & Cafe Coordinator
Talia V Llamas Nunez - 9th Grade Rep.
Rosy Camorlinga - 10th Grade Rep.
Karla Coronado - 10th Grade Rep.
Emelia Contreras - 11th Grade Rep.
Edith Castillo - 12th Grade Rep.
Marcela Zolezzi - 12th Grade Rep.