“To bring up children properly, we must love them, and love them all equally.”
-Marcellin Champagnat
Religious Studies Department Outcomes
As a result of the required course of study in Religious Studies, students will:
Know and love Jesus Christ. Apply Roman Catholic teaching to the analysis of personal and social issues. Speak knowledgeably about the Scriptures, applying lessons from the Old and New Testaments to their own experiences. Apply knowledge of Church history to their analysis of present and future Church realities. Respond to moral issues and social concerns in a Christian manner, drawing on the resources of Church tradition, spirituality, critical theological reflection, and dialogue. Demonstrate an informed respect for people of different faith traditions. Make Christian lifestyle choices informed by serious reflection on their relationship to self, others, and God. Participate in the worship and mission of the Church – particularly in service to the least favored – in an active and informed manner.
Communal prayer experiences are promoted daily. Celebration of the Mass is offered in the Student Center once a month. Local priests from the Brownsville Diocese volunteer their time to lead the school community in prayer.
Service opportunities are always coming through the Campus Ministry Office. Whether it is local, national, or international, people contact SJA to help. Our school community is more than generous, not only with financial contributions but with their time as well. Parishes, schools, centers for the elderly, food banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and the like call on and depend on the SJA community. Modeling what Saint Marcellin asked, our Marist community responds wholeheartedly.
Brother Ryan Richter
Campus Minister
Brother Francis Garza '58
Administrative Support Specialist
Mary Beth Martin
Religious Studies Department Chair, Counselor 9th & 10th Grade, College Counselor
Francis Curley
Teacher: Religion
Leslie Abrego
Teacher: Religion 7,Computer Literacy, Scripture Club Moderator - Room 105